I like playing with my daughter and three dogs whi

Shoveling Through the Crap in Our Relationships

Conducting Yourself Properly: Tools to Avoid Being Called a Nag and a Bitch

A Rift in the Chain of Communication - When What We Say Actually Hurts Us

Women Who Sleep Around

Let Me Show You How to Be a Woman

You Don't Have a Man Because You're a Bitch

Rejection Sucks a Big One

How Can I Be More Confident In While Dating Online

“Put the phone away!” I have to remind myself sometimes.


Who cares how the picture will look on social media? Who cares how witty and timely the tweet seems?


Look, I’ll always value my phone. I have to. It makes it easy to keep in touch with friends and family spread out all over the country. It’s how I met my boyfriend. It lets me get a ride whenever I need one, or have food delivered to my door when I’m too lazy to put on pants. It enables me to work from home. But you can’t let this pocket-sized computer become all-powerful. It’s okay to give it a rest sometimes and contribute to your surroundings. It’ll still be there, ready to shoot tons and tons information directly into your brain and eyeballs when you return.


Like a lot of people my age, I probably suffer from some degree of social media addiction. We all have different factors that fuel the obsession, but for me it’s about making sure I’m capturing moments and staying engaged with my community. If I’m not checking social media, I’m worried I’m missing out on something and I’ll regret it. That FOMO runs wild, you know?

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