
Animal models have been proven to be not perfect for dermo-cosmetics testing, since animal models do not accurately represent the structure of human skin. The human skin specimens are at limited number, which are not sufficient for dermatological and cosmetic researches.

Advances had been made towards the use of in vitro human skin equivalents/models for dermal drug and cosmetic product testing. In vitro Skin Models (Human Skin Equivalent, FTSK, HSE) used under defined test conditions of­fer several advantages: i) since most models are composed of primary human cells, inter-species extrapolation is avoided; ii) in contrast to human skin specimens, repeated application of formulations can be performed for at least several weeks; iii) work with the ready to use tissue models do not require advanced knowledge of cell culture techniques; iv) the employment of in vitro skin models lead to the reduction of laboratory animal use in regulatory toxicology as well as in preclinical studies.

Creative Bioarray provides in vitro human skin tissue models for in vitro dermatology drug test services and in vitro cosmetic test services. Our models are very similar to human skin in terms of morphology, of differentiation markers and of functional characteristics.

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