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Help and FAQs

2. ProSkills Short course subscription

2.3. CPD and Certificates

How many of the courses have CPD attached?

The majority of our courses are eligible for AVNAT points. Some are also eligible for AVA VetEd Points and NZVNA AVNP points. 

The points allocated to a course is shown in the course description. You can get a breakdown of all courses and their allocated CPD points from the subscription via the Team subscription shop page.

Where are my certificates?

Once you complete and pass a course quiz, a link to generate a certificate appears below the quiz. Click this link. Download the certificate and store in a safe place.

You can access your past certificates via the "My certificates" tab at the top of most site pages. 

Do all courses have certificates?

Only courses with quiz(es) are able to produce a certificate. The shorter demo videos don't have a quiz or certificate.